Home Sweet Home!
Well, after a hellish day trying to travel - we finally arrived home - 7 hours late!!! If it wasn't fog in Baltimore, it was high winds in Vancouver! But, we finally made it. Through it all, Matthew faired quite well. We actually ended up with bulkhead seating on the first leg (supposed to be the emergency row, but the exit door was only on one side, so it worked out perfectly) - but lost it for the ride home! - At that point it was either squeeze in, or wait another 3 hours for another plane - that they couldn't even guarantee bulkhead seating on either. - So, we roughed it - with a capital R! We couldn't have handled another minute.
As nice as it is to be home, it is always a rough transition from being able to spend every hour just focused on Matthew, how he is, what he needs to do etc., to being dropped right back into 'real life' ! - I'm sure it'll take at least a week to smooth out the wrinkles!
So, once I've managed to un-pack and re-organize things, I should just have enough time to wrap, and hopefully bake a little, before the big day!
We want to thank everyone for your support through all of this - if it wasn't for all our wonderful family and friends, Matthew would never have been afforded this fantastic opportunity. - Once he is finished with therapy, we think he'll just about reach 5'2"!! - All that, including 2 perfectly straight legs, adjusted hips and elbows, longer arms and increased self confidence you can surely see. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Much love everyone, we'll do an occasional post during the consolidation and perhaps a few extras as he goes back for the removal.
Take Care,
Happy Holidays.
Pam, Al, Matthew and Samantha
As nice as it is to be home, it is always a rough transition from being able to spend every hour just focused on Matthew, how he is, what he needs to do etc., to being dropped right back into 'real life' ! - I'm sure it'll take at least a week to smooth out the wrinkles!
So, once I've managed to un-pack and re-organize things, I should just have enough time to wrap, and hopefully bake a little, before the big day!
We want to thank everyone for your support through all of this - if it wasn't for all our wonderful family and friends, Matthew would never have been afforded this fantastic opportunity. - Once he is finished with therapy, we think he'll just about reach 5'2"!! - All that, including 2 perfectly straight legs, adjusted hips and elbows, longer arms and increased self confidence you can surely see. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Much love everyone, we'll do an occasional post during the consolidation and perhaps a few extras as he goes back for the removal.
Take Care,
Happy Holidays.
Pam, Al, Matthew and Samantha