2nd Follow Up Appt.
Follow up appt. Dr. Standard at 10am then Land therapy with Michelle, then pool with Marlo. It's been a rough week. Tightening is happening quite a bit now. Have to force ankles to be able to get them to neutral position, and work on knees to keep them flat, although knee bending is still good at 90ยบ. Exrays show 4.25 cm on femur and 3.75 cm on tibias, but the tibias are going into valgus position - (bowing). So, that means that about 2 weeks before leaving we have to change apparatus on shins to make corrections. Dr. S noted that bone growth is still really good and advised to slow to 4 turns on femurs and 3 on tibias which may help soft tissue 'catch up' a little. Also advised he can do standing transfer which may also help ankles and prep Matt for standing exray as we get nearer date to leave. Dr. S believes he should be able to continue lengthening with no problem and to follow up in 2 more weeks - have appt. booked with Dr. P already for that. So, by next appt. we shld be around 9.7 cm/ just under 4". As initial goal at onset of surgeries was to gain 12", Matthew has decided that he will continue lengthening until he is told he has to stop - but will not do a muscle release to go further. As of today's measurements, in total, he has already met that initial goal. With basically 6 more weeks left of potential lengthening, anything he gains now is a bonus!
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