Limb Lengthening

This blog is about Matthew Drake's Last Limb Lengthening Surgery. I will try to keep this updated as much as possible, with information and pictures.

October 18, 2006

Think we have a pool!

Had exrays done to check that Matt's femurs are ok at the turning schedule we are doing - and were told all looks good. So we'll continue the same until his next full follow up on the 27th. Got a prescrip. for Baclofen - a muscle relaxer - that will hopefully make life easier. Went to view a pool that is nearby to see if they will accept fixator patients as we are told it will be at least another 2 months before Sinai gets their's fixed! Turns out it is only 20 mins away, The director used to work at Sinai for 23 yrs., has a soft spot for all that they do and is willing to let us use the pool. He is calling tomorrow with their chlorine levels, and if all looks good, several families here at the house will be using their pool for the next little while. We are all very happy! It will make the kids recuperation much easier, and 3 months will cost the equivalent to one aqua therapy at Sinai!We couldn't have found it at a more needed time for Matthew as his joints are getting so tight. Ttyl! take care.


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