Limb Lengthening

This blog is about Matthew Drake's Last Limb Lengthening Surgery. I will try to keep this updated as much as possible, with information and pictures.

September 15, 2006

Friday the 15th...

Woke thru night at 3am then around 7:30- but Matthew didn't take any meds - pain only 1-2 out of 10!! - as his stomach's still very queasy. - got up around 10:30 - he had some apple juice and brought it all back - then stomach finally started settling down. I had to run up to hospital cafeteria to get milk, bananas a few other items as we have no food! - Matthew rested in house. - Getting better by the hour - still no meds all day - took a trip out into house few times, caught up on laundry - Matt moved onto couch in room to watch tv, and have a banana - ordered pizza around 7 and he ate about 1/2 slice - I even had trouble eating 2, but he kept it down. Watched a little more tv, got onto the bed had a chat with Al and then did all his exercises, I can't believe how well he is doing! : We came home from hospital early, he is having next to no meds. all day - and his exercises are proving to be no problem. On Monday we have our first land therapy evaluation and it will be interesting to see how he rates.


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